About Us

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About Us explains New Beginning Ranch and the wonderful opportunities it provides while in a sexual addiction recovery environment.

In the comfortable setting of a Montana ranch home, surrounded by the Rocky Mountains, New Beginning Ranch is uniquely positioned to help you continue your journey in sex addiction recovery. Our emphasis on recovery principles and tasks has a proven record of success, while our combination of therapy, outdoor adventures, 12-step involvement, and emphasis on connection and relationship will enhance and revitalize your recovery. This is a transition period...the most difficult phase of the change process.

During your stay at New Beginning Ranch, you will have an environment of support and encouragement to continue and integrate the sex addiction recovery work you began in inpatient treatment or outpatient therapy. This is a transition period… the most difficult phase of the change process. The first few months of dedicated recovery are pivotal in determining your long-term success. We stand ready to help you gain traction in sobriety and learn to live as a recovering sex addict. 

Your stay at New Beginning Ranch is designed as a combination of work and play. In addition to the rigorous emotional and intellectual work, our location is perfect to help men re-kindle old or new interests like fly fishing, hiking, bow/rifle hunting, range target shooting, skiing, golf, skating, and horseback riding. We also include a gym membership and yoga classes in our program. The University of Montana is only an hour away and provides opportunities for study and creative expression. All of these activities are critical to fill the void left by our addiction, bringing joy, discipline, and excellence into our lives. 

Your stay at New Beginning Ranch is designed as a combination of work and play. In addition to the rigorous emotional and intellectual work, our location is perfect to help men re-kindle old or new interests like fly fishing, hiking, bow/rifle hunting, range target shooting, skiing, golf, skating, and horseback riding. We also include a gym membership and yoga classes in our program. The University of Montana is only an hour away and provides opportunities for study and creative expression. All of these activities are critical to fill the void left by our addiction, bringing joy, discipline, and excellence into our lives. 

"Here is the reality. The next 90 days will lay the foundation for your whole recovery...to face these issues in a piece by piece manner over an extended period of time has been shown to contribute to relapse...a co-ordinated, intense focus of effort raises the probability of success dramatically" ~ 90 Day Focus, Dr. Pat Carnes

Many of our residents arrive in the aftermath of being found out in their acting out, while others arrive from inpatient treatment centers across the country. Some have co-occurring drug and alcohol problems, while some have used acting out as their one big escape. Some have lost everything, some still look OK from the outside. Some are married, some are single. Some gay, some straight. But across the board, the men at New Beginning Ranch are marked by a strong determination to pursue sexual integrity. Whoever you are, we hope you will make yourself at home in our recovery community. 

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